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The interactive e-learning module is developed keeping in mind its intended use of online training. It explains the teaching framework that supports active classroom learning. The interactive module is developed using the Articulate 360 platform.

Interactive e-Learning Module

Module Cover Photo.png

Completed Checklist

OER Digital Media Checklist (Week 7 - Interactive Module)

The updated Digital Media Checklist is applied to ensure the intended use of the Interactive e-Learning Module (Click to open the PDF)

Learning Objective, Interactivity & Authoring Tool

Learning Objective – The Learning Objective for this module is to describe the teaching framework that supports active classroom learning in community college settings. It also discusses the adult learning theory of Andragogy and explains how it supports active learning.


How this Module Supports the Learning Objective – This module supports the learning objective by providing learning material in a variety of ways that are engaging and allows learners to get immersed in learning about active learning. They are not just reading, they are also doing things such as watching videos, listening to audio podcasts, using infographics and digital images, clicking through the accordion tabs, doing a multiple-choice quiz, and doing drag-and-drop activities. It is infused with digital media content created in earlier activities.


Interactivity – The learner will be able to scroll through and click to navigate. They have activities such as drag-and-drop to sort which will test how much they have retained or understood. This is something done a lot in game-like activities which adds a fun element that can increase the learner’s motivation.


Authoring Tool Used – Rise 360 by Articulate is the authoring tool used. I chose this tool because it is one of the most reputable tools on the market and had a free trial for 30 days. It is ideal for Rapid eLearning development and is web based so no software has to be downloaded. It is also quite simple and intuitive to use. It is responsive and the prebuilt learning blocks are useful. It enables infusing interactivity easily. There is also a lot of help and tutorials available online.


Licensing – The interactive module is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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